Our Favorite Experiences at The Aquarium

Internships & Experiences Galway Part 2

By Lisa Arndt & Paula Baumeyer

Every year, the Aquarium welcomes international students for internships. During their time here, they learn English, immerse themselves in the local culture, and gain valuable work experience.

This year, we decided to enhance their experience by giving them a camera and asking them to capture what they find great about Galway and tell us what their favorite experience in the Aquarium was.

So, what was their favorite experience?


 Our Favorite Experiences at The Aquarium

We recently completed a four-week internship at the Aquarium, where we gained valuable insights into the various roles and responsibilities within the aquarium.

One of our favorite tasks was feeding the fish, especially the vibrant tropical species.

We enjoyed preparing food, and assisting the Aquarists with tasks like temperature, readings, and cleaning.

A memorable challenge we faced was measuring the temperature of the octopus tank

The octopus had a knack for trying to steal the thermometer and, if we weren’t quick enough to close the tank cover, she would try to climb out. Initially, this was daunting, but over time, we overcame our fear and became adept at working swiftly.

We also had the opportunity to observe different fish feeding tours, learning fascinating facts about various marine species. This experience deepened our appreciation for aquatic life and the complexities of their care.

Interacting with children during school tours and beach safaris was another highlight of our internship. We assisted in creating lava lamps and conducted experiments to test the characteristics of salt and fresh water.

One particularly engaging activity was dissecting a squid, which was both educational and fun. Additionally, we accompanied school groups to the beach to search for shark and ray eggs, as well as creatures like crabs, butterfish, and eels, which we released back into their natural habitat.

Overall, these experiences were immensely rewarding. The hands-on nature of our tasks and the enthusiastic engagement with the children made our time at Aquarium truly special.

The joy of sharing knowledge and witnessing the children’s excitement was incredibly fulfilling. This internship not only broadened our understanding of marine biology but also reinforced our passion for environmental education and conservation.

Galway Aquarium would like to thank Lisa and Paula for all the extra work they completed for the Aquarium. If you would like to learn more about International Internships, please email info@nationalaquarium.ie.

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