Delighted to launch our new ROCKPOOL REPORT SERIES. Every month we will share some of the species we find while completing our EXPLORE YOUR SHORE Rockpool Experiences. Here are some of the SPECIES we recorded to the National Biodiversity Database this month. ROCKPOOL SPECIES RECORDED IN MARCH As Ireland’s Largest Native Species Aquarium our goal
Category: Insights
Two Rare and Endangered Glass eels discovered in Grattan Beach Salthill On a recent Rockpool Experience we had the wonderful opportunity to discover not one, but two Juvenile Glass eels (European eel, Anguilla anguilla). In thinking of the title we mentioned the Glass Sea as it is transparent, much like the Glass eel, so even
Galway Atlantaquaria in Salthill is seeking the help of local schools and educators to promote Ocean and Environmental Care through Art and Design. ‘We were delighted by the response from local artists to our call for displaying their work in 2022 and 2023’ said Petra Kerkhove from the aquarium, and after receiving a number of
Inishbofin Summer School – Explore the Magical Island of the White Cow with a team of great educators. Established in 1984, the Inishbofin Summer School is Ireland’s longest-running environmental school. The school, which Galway Atlantaquaria runs, continues to work with the multi-disciplined team, some of which this year includes marine biologists Sibéal Regan and David
Iascaireacht le haghaidh scéalta ag Atlantaquaria na Gaillimhe. Aquarium launches a children’s short story competition to celebrate new artworks. Chun saothar nua ealaíne a cheiliúradh, tá an uisceadán ag seoladh comórtas ghearrscéalta do pháistí. Meet Lily of the Lighthouse, who is fishing for a new ocean adventure. Over the last few months, creative Artist Mairead
Welcome To Galway City, we hope you enjoy your visit to the beautiful West of Ireland. We know that you would be planning for the Mid Term Break, and here are some ideas from the Sea. While these two things might seem very small, they will take you on a wonderful adventure and will enable
A few weeks ago, we hosted a Clean Coasts Beach Clean and Shark & Ray Egg Case Hunt! We had so much fun finding over 200 egg cases from Thornback Rays and some Lesser Spotted Dogfish. What Is The Goal Of Egg Case Hunts? During the experience, someone asked us what is the goal of
Just as we were thinking about the message for the New Year, we had quite good timing on discovering a large Molt while Exploring the Shore, the ocean always inspires, and we thought this would be a great subject to make ourselves and the world a better place. Discovering the Crab Molt made us think
Preface “In June 2023, Galway City Council, in conjunction with the University of Galway and the Atlantic Seaboard North Climate Action Regional Office (CARO), will carry out a pilot project to install sand fencing at Grattan Beach. The pilot project will help us develop nature-based solutions to manage Grattan Beach and sand dunes, as a
TY Experiences For Teens TY EXPERIENCES Hello, my name is Rachel. I am a TY student who did work experience in Galway Atlantaquaria, and this what I did. I had to start my week online because of storm Debi on Sunday night. On Monday I got to look at the virtual tours of the aquarium,