Winner of our Story Writing Competition 2024 The Great Sea Adventure by Charlie Gannon

Official Release Print & Digital

After many months of work, we are delighted to announce the launch of “The Great Sea Adventure”, By Charlie Gannon & Illustrated by Mairead Brennan. In 2024 Charlie submitted ‘The Great Sea Adventure’ in a story writing competition, which was held to celebrate the launch of Mairead’s paintings.
The stories were judged and Charlie’s submission was selected as the winner.
We would like to thank all the participants who took part , including the runners-up Sean Hoban and Cara O’Donnell.
Thanks to Mairead Brennan for creating the Illustrations for Charlie’s winning story.
We hope you enjoy this wonderful tale.
The Team at Galway Atlantaquaria.
About the Author & illustrator
Mairead Brennan – Artist & Illustrator
During 2023/2024, creative Artist Mairead Brennan was commissioned to fill the aquarium with some fantastic new marine murals, while also updating some of the older pieces, which have lived in the aquarium since 1999. Working with some high profile companies and government bodies over the years, we were delighted to add the aquarium to the list of locations that display Mairead’s work, including The Marine Institute, The Revenue Commissioners, Irish Life, Bórd Bia, Jacobs, Bewley’s, and the Department of Health, to name but a few.
She has also worked as a commissioned illustrator for Consumer Choice Magazine during her time in Dublin and for many years later.
Story by Charlie Gannon (aged 9) who lives in Co. Galway, with this family.
In 2024 Charlie submitted ‘The Great Sea Adventure’ in a story writing competition, which was held to celebrate the launch of Mairead’s paintings.
Check out our runner up stories below, The Heart of the Ocean, by Seán Hoban and Lily, the Turtle’s Adventure, by Cara O’Donnell

Lily worked in a lighthouse for twenty-five years. She loved her job because she got to see the beautiful coastline and all of the multicolored fish. Each morning she listened to the birds tweeting and people happily swimming. She loved the smell of salt water. But sadly people had started to take the sea for granted and litter.
One day all of the fish disappeared. Lily had about fifty fishermen and women knocking on her door begging her to do something. Lily knew the sea would provide the answer and that was where they had to look to get to the bottom of this.
Lily went to the top of the Lighthouse and turned on the light and shone it on the sea so she could see underneath and investigate. Lilly could feel everyone’s worry. She put on her scuba gear and headed to the coast.
Underwater she could see that the water was deserted. The sea was no longer full of the joy that once made it so special. She felt so sad but then she saw it! A golden treasure chest.
Lily barged it open with her bare hands. And when it opened inside there was a heart – the heart of the ocean. All the fish reappeared in the blink of an eye. The fish were all different types of colour such as gold, silver, and rainbow. Lilly loved seeing the sea come back to life.
They stored the heart in the lighthouse forever to remind them to love the ocean and treat it well.

Once upon a time there was a turtle whose name was Lily. Lily had hatched a few days ago, she found herself on a beach. “Where am I”, she said to herself. She saw something coming towards her which made her very scared. It was a disc shape but what was coming behind it? Oh, is that a planet, she thought? Oh no, it’s people, playing frizbee.
“I heard something over there Mom! I see a turtle”, she shouted. “Be quiet Eva”, said Mom. “You might scare it”. “It looks hurt, can I bring it to the vet?” said Eva’s older sister. “Of course you can Helen but be careful,” said Mom. “Why can’t I!” shouted Eva, stomping her feet. “Helen is older, Eva, and she knows the way to the aquatic vet center herself,” said Mom.
At the Vets, there are so many aquatic animals, and two people watching them called Emma and Luke. Emma was feeding some baby seagulls when Helen came in. “Oh Helen, what is in the box?” asked Emma. “Don’t tell me you are delivering our post and newspaper again?” “No, it’s a turtle,” said Helen. “What, did you say a turtle!!” asked Emma? “Oh, is that bad?” asked Helen. “No, it’s great!” said Emma. “Tommy our tiny turtle, will be very happy”. “Well, it isn’t really that great”, said Helen. “Why?”, asked Emma. “It’s hurt, the poor thing”, said Helen. “What do you think is the matter?” asked Luke. “It is her fin, it looks broken”, said Helen. “Yup, it’s definitely broken. She can be released in six weeks when it is all healed”, said Emma. “Six weeks!! said Helen, disappointed that it would take so long. “Well, at least it will be possible to release her, some animals can never be released, depending on how badly they are injured”, said Luke. That’s very sad though Helen, we must do our best to keep wild animals safe. She left, assuring herself that everything would be ok.
Meanwhile, back on the beach, they were packing up. “OK, it’s time to go home,” said Mom just as Helen got back. “Can I have a ham and cheese toastie when we get home?” asked Helen gloomily. “ What is wrong Helen?, asked her Mom. “Well, it’s just, that I am not sure if the turtle will be OK”, said Helen. “Of course, she will be”, said her Mom. “Emma and Luke will take good care of her at the aquatic vet center”.
Six weeks later…
“Mom, I am going to the vet, it’s supposed to be the day that they release the turtle!” said Helen. “OK, said Mom, I will make some sandwiches for you. Just be home before dinner, OK” said Mom.
At the aquatic vet center, Emma and Luke were getting the boat ready to launch. Helen set off with them and when they got to the release spot, Helen opened one side of the cage while Emma opened the other. As they released Lily and Tommy, they spotted another older turtle swimming near the boat.
“Aahh, so cute” said Helen “They will be friends and will look after each other”.
The End.