Galway Bay is Calling – Leave No Trace

A Creative Ireland Project
Galway Atlantaquaria We are really excited for Naomi Berrill, Galway Jam Circle, Voice of Galway, Galway Camerata, Matthew Berrill, our friends and families as we look forward to the official release on Music for Galway YouTube Channel, this coming Saturday.
There are so many people to thank, but we could not have done this without the amazing support from the team at Creative Ireland Connecting people, Creativity and Well being.
Thinking Back…

It is hard to describe the ‘feelings’ and ‘thoughts’ of what it is like to launch, let go of a project that has consumed so much passion and commitment. I guess it is one of those things that cannot be explained….but we must try!

As the team at the Galway Aquarium, Music for Galway, and Atlantic Technological University came together, we talked, planned, coordinated, facilitated, and delivered on a host of key milestones throughout this project’s lifetime.
With so many memories to choose from, here are some of our best memories as we get closer to the launch of Leave No Trace, composed by Naomi Berrill.

The rockpool experience on Grattan was an opportunity to show Galway Bay is Calling, some of the hidden species that live in the rockpools of Grattan Beach. We talked about Climate Change Indicator Species, Marine Litter, and things we can do to stop litter, like #2MinuteBeach Cleans and #ThinkB4UFlush campaigns from Clean Coasts.

Dr Maria Vittoria Marra took the participants on a specialised journey through the Aquarium. At key points of the tour, we talked about Ocean Literacy Principles, marine life, and the impacts/consequences of ocean threats like climate change, biodiversity loss, carbon storage, marine litter, and ocean acidification.

So, after exploring the shore and the Aquarium, we welcomed Dr. Joao Frias to introduce behavioral change, psychology of change, the history of litter, climate change, and hope.
Learning about UBUNTU
Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning ‘humanity to others’. It is often described as reminding us that ‘I am what I am because of who we all are’.
I thought this was a really important concept, as we all need to be kinder to others, and care for our environment.
These sessions were really interesting, and they closed off the first part of Galway Bay is Calling Tasks.

Special thanks to the staff at Cluain Mhuire who were truly welcoming and helpful in organising the venue.
Following this activity, Headford born and Florence resident cellist, singer, composer Naomi Berrill visited ensembles in rehearsal. She talked to them, played with them and gathered their impressions and sounds inspired by the workshops. This resulted in Leave no Trace.
As an artist who loves process, I thought this was the most amazing part of the Galway Bay is Calling Project. To see Naomi Berrill visiting the groups, listening, formulating ideas, and then the ensemble come together to work through Leave No Trace, amazing. Matthew Berrill conducting the ensemble was very interesting and they both did a fantastic job to coordinate and bring the very best from the musicians. I truly thought that this process of Galway Bay is Calling was the BEST part of this project! People coming together to discuss Climate Change, Ocean Impacts, and how it effects humanity, wonderful to be part of the conversation.

(Who writes a blog about a launch and then says the rehearsals were much better? Please forgive….)
After rehearsals there seemed to be something palpable happening, it was like everyone was in sync, people were proud and excited about the upcoming performance. Remember these musicians had never met or worked with each other, so it was testament to Naomi and Matthew who could achieve this UBUNTU.
Why Are People Applauding?

Leave No Trace was premiered at Music for Galway’s Cellissimo festival in May 2024. It was recorded by Unbound Media, and will be presented this Saturday, the 31st of August.
Earlier in the blog we did allude to not being able to define our feelings, thoughts, words about the culmination of this Creative Ireland Project……however
“Where words fail, music speaks.” – Hans Christian Andersen
So, after listening to Leave No Trace, we believe you will experience what we have, and you will know how much this project and composition tells a much deeper story of ocean, science and people through music, Ubuntu!
We hope you enjoy the launch of Leave No Trace, The Galway Bay is Calling Ensemble definitely poured our collective heart and soul into its creation.

Galway Bay is Calling is a project funded through the Creative Climate Action Fund, an initiative that is managed by Creative Ireland. This project is funded through the Spark Stream, by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communication.